Please follow Amber Tutton, model on Instagram
Amber's post:
Ok, so I might lose followers over this but who cares! Yesterday i posted a no makeup selfie of me from 3 months ago, With no makeup at all showing every flaw on my face (spots that have been bad since I was at school, broken nose that I got when I got beaten up by bullies, redness for dehydration and skin pigment etc) well today I've taken another no makeup selfie again leaving myself exposed to the world.. Showing that I'm not perfect, but my skin has got clearer thanks to@cetuem_cosmetics & I'm getting used to my bare face... I think social media has a very different take on life to the actual reality... But I want to send a message to all people feeling insecure or ugly at times to just embrace their "flaws" and know they aren't alone and that each and every one of us have things that make us different, who would have thought that I would be a full time model when I was so put down throughout... Believe in yourself ☺️ I hope this helps people with my honesty... It's taken me a lot to post these! ?
#bareface #confidence #model #skin#imperfect #flaws #socialmedia#nomakeup #selfie #girl #follow #inspire#empower #betrue #me #goals #portrait#dope #real #raw #standtall #healthy#beauty #bodyconfidence#beatthebullies #serum #spots#skincare #brand #story